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Hey There Kiddo Pt.3 is a door into Amtrac’s past

Amtrac — Hey There Kiddo Pt.3

Amtrac’s Hey There Kiddo mixtape series isn’t your average mixtape, flung together in a haste because the world says you should always be releasing “content”.

No, no.

It’s actually a treasure trove of unreleased gems from the American producer’s hard drive from as far back as 2007, “packed with loads of samples and fields recordings which always had a place but never a home”.

It’s a real shame that almost all of the music in the mixtape will probably never see an official release, but on the other hand, that must mean the really, really good stuff from Amtrac is still to come.

Now if we could just have a download link all would be well with the world.

Andrew Rafter

Andrew Rafter is the editor and founder of Harder Blogger Faster.