The music industry is changing. This is a fact. The days of artist’s living off the royalties from a physical release from 20 years ago is a thing of the past, whether the you like it or not.
The future is fans. For artist’s to survive they need to nurture their fans and connect with them with new and exciting ways. And for once, this is actually happening.
With the birth of smartphones, the Internet and social networks – there is no better time to build up a loyal following who will support you through thick and thin.
With this in mind our design partners Woolhouse Studios are taking fan interaction to the next level, having worked with them on the branding and the look of HBF, we’ve got first hand experience on why they are seen as visionaries in their respected field: They making artists, DJ and bands stand out from the crowd and even blogs as was the case for us.
Their latest brainwave is to start offering bespoke app design for Artists and DJ’s from the underground to the big guns, they’ll do all the hard work, they come up with the designs, they do all the boring coding and even submit the whole thing to Apple on your behalf.
You decide how much you want to sell it for and you’ve got an innovative way to communicate with your fans – and who knows you make even make a few quid in the process.
We are living in a brave new world, where it’s time to throw away the models of old and embrace the new social world on the horizon.
Apps as a new way to help you promote you music is going to be big business in the future and now is the time to pounce.
Apps are an ingenious way to communicate with your fans letting them know when your next gig is, links to your latest releases and as a portal for those all important social networks, the possibilities are quite literally endless – we have no doubt that bespoke apps will soon be the go to place for fans to get that little bit closer to the artists, labels, DJ’s, or blogs that they revere so much. An interactive app created especially for the music industry.
Their team of web management dudes can easily update the app or if you want to be a bit more and hands-on by the artist themselves. You can have can have complete control using a simple web back-end.
You’ll be able to login and update photos, videos from the comfort of your laptop and start interacting with you fans like you have never done before. And most importantly make some money, something even the brightest minds fail to do in a new digital economy.
And who knows, you might well be seeing HBF on the App store in the coming months, that’s how excited we are about this project. Watch this space.
So if you looking for new and exciting ways to promote yourself, your artist’s, your blog or even your label – then look no further than the Woolhouse Studios.
Each app is tailor made, be it a label, Dj, band, distribution or music blogger, the contents is completely at your request making the app totally unique.
Typical content includes:
Opening page
Gig gallery
Photo gallery
Fan wall
Social Media – Twitter / MySpace / Facebook
For more info, including pricing, content and delivery times, contact Emma here or