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Daft Punk have made quite a career out of not showing their faces – but that appears to be coming to an end as Thomas Bangalter recently made a cameo without his trademark mask in Quentin Dupieux’s latest film ‘Réality’.

For all of 7 seconds, T-Bang can be seen without his robotic mask in the new film – and on first inspection he looks a bit like a stuffy maths teacher.

So there you go, Thomas Bangalter looks just like a normal guy, all be it, a very rich one. Hopefully, we’ll get to see G-Man soon too.

It’s not the first time T-Bang and G-man have been unmasked, earlier this year the two producers were immortalised in wood carvings by French artist Xavier Veilhan.

The duo agreed to show themselves without their masks for the artwork after telling the artist, “if somebody wants to see how we are like in real they’ll have to look at the sculpture.” Or Dupieux’s new film for Thomas at least.

Andrew Rafter

Andrew Rafter is the editor and founder of Harder Blogger Faster.