Kavinsky’s new single ‘Odd look’ has been given a rather tasty video courtesy of director by Marcus Herring, which you can now watch below.
The short film takes place at a highway cafe where a waitress is being assaulted by some no-good hillbillies, Kavinsky then rolls up in his Ferrari and doles out his own form of vigilante justice walking through bullets and punches to save the damsel in distress from her attackers.
Kavinaky’s new single comes with remixes from A-trak, Surkin, Midnight Juggernauts, as well as a special cover version with vocals from the Weeknd.
“Get Kavinsky’s new EP “Odd Look” including the single ‘Odd Look ft. The Weeknd’ , on iTunes : http://po.st/oddlookEP
The album “OutRun” is available on iTunes: http://po.st/OUTRUNitunes
Kavinsky’s video game is available on all platforms & devices for free : http://kavinsky.recordmakers.com