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Having so far only been an outlet for Lane 8’s own productions, This Never Happened widens its scope with the fledgling label’s first ever compilation, ‘Root To Branch’.

Bringing together three exciting — and mysterious — new talents in form of Khåen, Limara, and Anderholm, volume one of ‘Root To Branch’ showcases two tracks from each artist which presents their individual take on melodic house.

With each track previously featuring as IDs in Lane 8’s recent seasonal mixtapes, always a hub of new talent, they are now given a deserved spotlight through Root To Branch Volume 1.

“When I first started making my seasonal mixtapes, I was just hunting for the best possible music I could find on the internet,” explained Lane 8 via a press release.

“I had little profile, so nobody bothered to send me their demos or upcoming music from their labels. My only option was to work with music I could buy online, and I tried to find stuff that moved me emotionally but wasn’t always necessarily the most popular track of the moment.

“With that in mind, I am extremely excited to announce three new signings for my label, This Never Happened. Anderholm, Khåen and Limara may not be names you’re familiar with yet. But all three of these artists have been sending me absolutely incredible music over the last year, and I think it’s time for me to give their best tunes a wider platform. You may recognize these tracks – they’re THOSE IDs from the spring and summer mixtapes that everyone has been trying to figure out for awhile now.”

Hailing from Norway, Khåen is one of the lucky three to get his music released by This Never Happened and musically ‘Whims’ follows a similar path to Lane 8’s output in that it’s deep and dreamy house that’s full of musicality and points to an exciting future ahead for the Norwegian unknown.

Check out ‘Whims’ below or via Spotify here.

Andrew Rafter

Andrew Rafter is the editor and founder of Harder Blogger Faster.