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Soundcloud made everyone’s private tracks public by mistake – and artists are not happy about it

Soundcloud’s woes continue after the company admitted accidentally making every user’s private tracks public for around 6 hours on September 6.

The company has sent an email to its customers explaining the issue, which they blame on a “coding issue” during some planned maintenance, and notified users that it was forced to reset all private links to secure all the tracks again

Obviously as far as mistakes go, this is pretty huge. It’s not clear if any unreleased music was copied during the mistake, but it stands to reason that some music that was meant to be private has been listened to, possibly even ripped, when it shouldn’t have been.

Lots of musicians use Soundcloud to share music privately, whether it’s for review purposes, collaborating, or when they’re about to a release new music – so the thought of everyone’s private tracks going public – even for short period of time – is not a good situation for anyone involved.


Andrew Rafter

Andrew Rafter is the editor and founder of Harder Blogger Faster.