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Everything we’ve heard from Bobby Nourmand has been very good so far, and we’re not the only one – his last track, ‘Smokin’ Joe’. was released on The Magician’s fledgling label, Potion Records, and now the American producer returns with his new track that samples Billy Idol guilty pleasure, ‘White Wedding’.

Woozy and drenched in reverb, Nourmand’s remake ‘Sister’ isn’t your archetypal deep house refix – it’s almost as if it’s in disguise as he avoids using the usual deep house tropes; obvious basslines and barmy chords, and instead goes for something far more atmospheric and edgier, with the resulting track sounding like an early 2000s Trentemoller remix.

A job well done.

Andrew Rafter

Andrew Rafter is the editor and founder of Harder Blogger Faster.