Bag Raiders’ jaunty single ‘Waterfalls’ has been bestowed with a visually stunning video from director Gee G and renowned collage artist, Alexandre Coll.
Speaking about the video, Bag Raiders said: “For the ‘Waterfalls’ video, we wanted something that was a little abstract and visually interesting and exciting.
“We’ve always loved the paintings of Rene Magritte, and how they can really transport you someplace else with their landscapes and mysterious characters. We follow a few collage artists and when Gee.G showed us Alex Coll, we felt his work could really capture this feeling, which we had also tried to create with the song,” explains the duo.
The director Gee. G said: “The boys had a pretty strong idea of what they wanted, something transportive and different. Influenced by the wonderful work of pioneers like Terry Gilliam, I wanted to make something surreal and imaginative, but still modern. To me that is very true to the song ‘Waterfalls;’ it’s not hiding its influences but presents them in completely refreshing and original ways.
College artist, Alexandre Coll said: “I wanted to represent spaces and situations that in some way were an image of what the song was telling. Kind of disconnected pieces of lost memories.”
‘Waterfalls’ is from the band’s acclaimed Waterfalls EP (out now on Modular Records).