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One half of the Chemical Brothers, Tom Rowlands, is releasing a one-off 12″ via Erol Alkan’s Phantasy Sound label, the EP consists of two tracks from the infamous producer and will be released on vinyl next week, with a digital released a few weeks later.

“These are tracks that were made to DJ with,” says Rowland. “I gave them to Erol to road test; he loved them so it seemed a perfect fit for Phantasy – I love what he does with the label. The Chemical Brothers haven’t any plans to release new music this year – we’re soon to start work on a new record – so this 12” seemed an exciting way to get music into clubs now,” he added.

Erol Alkan said: “Every time I played the tracks out people were desperate to find out what they were. Both have been highlights in my Dj sets for the last few months.”

Pre-order the vinyl here: shop.phantasysound.co.uk/product/tow-…ep1-12-vinyl

Andrew Rafter

Andrew Rafter is the editor and founder of Harder Blogger Faster.