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Hercules And Love Affair are next up on K7’s DJ-Kicks compilation and the New York-based group, fronted by Andy Butler, have just unveiled a brand new track ‘Release Me’.

Butler reckons it’s an ode to Hacienda house and Pete Waterman, he said: “This song lies somewhere between Stock Aitken and Waterman and Manchester’s Hacienda sound” so with that mind you’d expect to hear a house-y pop track – and that’s exactly what you get.

It’s pretty retro, especially the vocals which are courtesy of DJ Whitney Fierce. But we actually think it sounds a bit like the Knife laid across a Hacienda drum line, which always a good thing – if not a bit obvious.

Hercules and Love Affair’s DJ Kicks it out October 29 via K7 Records, both digitally and on vinyl.

Andrew Rafter

Andrew Rafter is the editor and founder of Harder Blogger Faster.