The writing has been on the wall for quite sometime, but today it has been announced that Glasgow nightclub The Arches will be forced to close.
At a meeting of Glasgow’s licensing board it was ruled that nightclub part of the venue can only operate until 12pm, rather than the current 3am, effectively ending its ability to be an actual nightclub.
The nightclub and venue had hit the headlines recently after a spate of drug and drink related incidents that culminated in Regane MacColl’s death in the city’s Royal Infirmary after becoming ill at the club on Saturday 1 February, 2014.
Since that tragic incident the venue raised its minimum age for admission to 21, hoping that would appease the council and Police who have consistently tried to close the arts and live music space in recent months.
The Arches’ bosses say the move means the likely closure of the club.
More info as we get it.