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Someone Has Uploaded 109 Unreleased Aphex Twin Tracks to Soundcloud – And Some of Them Are Quite Good

Update: You can now download all 110 tracks from the mysterious Soundcloud page in question – fill your boots people.

Someone – maybe Aphex Twin – has uploaded 109 tracks to Soundcloud purporting to be unreleased early Aphex Twin demos.

Obviously we haven’t listened to all of them yet, but if you do some digging there’s some real gems to be found – so much so quite a few easily outshine Aphex’s recently released ‘Computer Controller Acoustic Instruments Pt 2’.

We’ve rounded up some of our early favourites for your perusal. At the moment no one really knows who’s uploading the tracks, especially as James has his own Soundcloud which he gave away a track on last week.

But, due to the quality, we’re incline to believe it has something to do with him.

Andrew Rafter

Andrew Rafter is the editor and founder of Harder Blogger Faster.