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Solid Sound is a new app you can download for your iPhone or iPad that improves your headphones’ audio quality at all volume levels, it has been specifically optimised for Apple EarBuds and EarPods, as well as many other headphones.

Developed by a group of artists, producers and sound engineers, including Booka Shade, the new patented technology has been created to make headphones sound like professional studio devices, as well as prevent ear fatigue and have been customised for individual hearing ability.

Like other apps available, Solid Sound works by automatically modifying the equaliser settings of your device but rather than optimising for the source content it adjusts the settings depending on what headphones you are using.

Here’s rundown of the headphones that will benefit from the app, and they’re promising to add even more in the future: AKG K450, AKG K518LE, Apple EarBuds, Apple EarPods, Beats SoloHD, Beats Studio, Bose AE, Bose OE2, Koss portaPro, Marshall Major FX, Panasonic RP-DJS200, Sennheiser CX 300 II, Sennheiser HD 201, Sony MDR V150, Sony MDR ZX100, Sony MDR ZX300, Sony MDR XB500, Urbanears Plattan, WeSC Oboe Street.

The app is currently free, but will only work with Apple’s own headphones whilst other headphones can be supported via a cheeky in-app purchase.

Andrew Rafter

Andrew Rafter is the editor and founder of Harder Blogger Faster.