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SunSquabi’s blend of both traditional instrumentation and electronic synthesis has seen the US three-piece band compared to the likes of Ratatat, Jungle and RAM-era Daft Punk in recent months

Their latest track, ‘Pygmy Up’, showcases the band’s fascination of blending analogue with electronic. This particular musical trope is nothing new of course – plenty of bands try and add a little bit of electronic timbre into their tracks, or vice versa with  plenty of electronic producers adding live instruments to their music to give it more of an organic feel.

But what makes SunSquabi’s latest really stand out is the way they’re able to mesh these two differing schools of thought together. The resulting track sounds like a 10-piece band all vying for your attention with the most outlandish riffs imaginable as the track breaks out into a sort of musical one-upmanship giving you the listener a delightfully varied 5 minutes of upbeat live disco.

More of this, please.

Andrew Rafter

Andrew Rafter is the editor and founder of Harder Blogger Faster.