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Daft Punk have toured twice: 1997 and 2007. So it doesn’t take maths genius to recognise the pattern – the robots tend to tour every ten years.

So that means Daft Punk will be touring next year, right?

Since the release of their most successful album, ‘Random Access Memories’, the legendary duo have been selling all manner of Daft Punk merchandise, something they’ve never really done before on this scale.

Leading many, including ourselves, to think they’re in the process of funding something big, like a new tour. Over the weekend one eagle-eyed Redditor spotted a page on Lollapalozza website that feature the words Daft Punk, and that’s about it.

Apparently the page was created earlier this year – and is not from their 2007 appearance at the very same festival, so – could this be the first hint of a new Daft Punk tour?

Quite possibly.

Andrew Rafter

Andrew Rafter is the editor and founder of Harder Blogger Faster.