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Bixel Boys have taken on the Kanye-produced Theophilus London track “Tribe”, featuring beats by Brodinski and vocals by Jesse Boykins III, and somehow managed to take the Bromance to energetic new heights with their jagged synth signatures.

The Los Angelino duo have sped up the original but kept the lyrics virtually untouched, essentially making it ready for any club. If you listen closely you can make out robotic “yeahs” piercing the bassline every so often, remind anyone of classic Daft Punk?

Grab your free download over at Bixel Boys’ Facebook.

Shea Kopp

is an audiophile and electronic music activist who calls both Los Angeles and San Diego home. She is the contributor to multiple music blogs. Find her on the dance floor when she is not writing about or listening to music. Feel free to contact Shea at shea.kopp@gmail.com