Publicist is part of the discotexas crew, his real name is Sebastian Thompson, when he’s not drumming for Trans Am he likes to make music under the Publicist moniker, but wait there’s more, when playing live he likes to sequence synths and play live drums in the middle of the dancefloor. With a vocoder. Were sold already.
He’s got a new Ep out which you can listen to below, it’s probably the closest thing you will get to minimal house disco, so less pop structure and less obvious. But this what makes it stand out from the crowd.
Instead getting remixes made for his ‘Proffessional Show Business Pt.1’ he felt that re-edits would be a more interesting take on his music, so he called in the big guns in the shape of Moulinex and new kid on the block Zimmer.
Listen to the entire release below and if you so wish grab it on Beatport now.
DT009a – Publicist: Professional Show Business Pt. I (out now on Beatport) by Discotexas