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Manchester-based band Delphic have released a slew of new material completely out-of-the-blue today. Dubbed ‘Familiar’ it’s the first piece of new material from the band who released their latest album, ‘Collections‘, at the tail-end of last year.

From what we understand, the Manc trio are no longer with Polydor, and ‘Familiar‘ is the band striking out on their own; from the recording and producing of the music to the artwork and distribution it’s very much an independent venture.

Set across 7 tracks, ‘Familiar‘ sees the band try and blend their dance-based live shows with a mini album of sorts. “For the first time we’ve tried bottling part of the live show and putting it on record.” explained James Cook. “Although it is something we have often talked about, releasing an album mixed in the same way as our live set has proved a stumbling block because it essentially turns an LP into a DJ mix, which breaks all the established rules about what an LP should be.”

“This isn’t a DJ mix, it is all new material, mixed together in the same way the early Delphic 30-minute live sets were, but with a modern club sound to the production.”

Whether this is a final swan-song, or the start of something completely new the band haven’t said. “We’re keeping our cards close to our chests on that one… what I can say is that the next step of our career is fully in motion. We are enjoying writing and making music so you wont have to wait too long before you hear new things from us.”

Via Dummy.

Andrew Rafter

Andrew Rafter is the editor and founder of Harder Blogger Faster.