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Alex Metric rarely puts a foot wrong at the moment. As we type we’re listening to the new Infadels album, which is produced by the man himself. But more on that later. Today he’s put a stream up of his new EP, which is going out on Miike Snow’s new label for free.

The first track is ‘Rave Weapon’. It does exactly what it says on the tin. It’s bassy, murky, 90’s rave rivalist track – perfect for those of you who have a where’s-the-wobble disposition.

The real meat, for us, comes in the shape of ‘Anybody Else’. It’s everything you’d want from a funky vocoded house track. Strutting drums, DP vocals, pianos and kick ass guitar solo that just runs around the mix like an EDM fan high on meth. It’s bloody brilliant.

Last, but not least is ‘Epichords’. It lands somewhere in-between the reggae euphoria and funk vibes. It starts like a progressive house track, but by the time you hit the half-way mark it goes all sparkly and hands-in-the-air – without ever sounding too cheap.

As Mr Metric pointed out to us on twits: “It’s a body of work, something for everyone”. We’d have to agree, a proper electronic home-run.

HBF Rating 4/5

Ammunition EP – Coming soon…




Andrew Rafter

Andrew Rafter is the editor and founder of Harder Blogger Faster.