Mondkopf seems to have appeared from nowhere. The 24-year-old producer of dark and twisted french techno has already got Busy P declaring his new album as one the best he has heard in 2011 – so it only seems fitting that the dudes over a Oki-ni got him to do a mix.
Mondkopf is an artist with a dark side. This mix, made during an all-nighter in his Paris apartment, is a shadowy and menacing mix that seeks to capture “the tension before a catastrophe”. Not for the faint-hearted but with plenty to get your teeth into, BENEATHTHEDARKNESS features Portishead, Lairs, Suicide and Burzum.
You might not expect such darkness from a celebrated 24-year-old musician from Toulousse who has remixed The Golden Filter, The Teenagers and Caribou. But this mix and the title of his forthcoming EP, “Day Of Anger”, set for release this month more than hints at a macabre mind-set.
We asked him which tracks in the mix particularly stood out for him:
“The opening song by Khanate is one of the blackest things I’ve ever heard. I like the way the title of Portishead’s Machine Gun fit the song well; the sound of it blows me off with each snare hit and lifts me up when the synth arrives. And I love Turzi’s song for its originality and boldness.”
oki-ni presents BENEATHTHEDARKNESS by Mondkopf by oki-ni
* Khanate / Pieces Of Quiet
* Liars / Drum And The Uncomfortable Can
* Portishead / Machine Gun
* Suicide / Frankie Teardrop
* Current 93 / Imperium II
* Sunglasses After Dark / Morbid Silence
* Virgin Prunes / Come To Daddy
* Burial Hex / Go Crystal Tears
* Turzi / A Notre Père
* Burzum / Tomhet
Be sure to check out his new album below, and let’s see if it makes into your top of 2011.