We first featured frenchie NEUS a few months back and were captivated by his banging electro music, consisting of Gael Giudicelli, from Bastia, France. He’s adept at making cut-up, fidgety electro.
He’s back with a new EP and it is sounding great.
Take My Dope by NEUS
He’s also got a track called Blast, which is an extract from “Orchestra of Insomnia” 2010 and will be released on the “BLAST” EP by NEUS Digital/We’re Peace Maker’s soon Sept/Oct 2010. And there’s a remix comp too. Go here to get them stems. http://www.mediafire.com/?dinz5yxzrz2
He also has done a sweet remix for fellow frenchie Kavinksy, as part of the Night Call remix competition.
Kavinsky – Nightcall (NEUS Remix) by NEUS
He’s also done a mixtape.