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Update, 19:14: It turns out the leak was indeed real – but the shorter, and far less impressive, radio edit was actually played on Annie Mac’s show.

The track features Morgan Phalen, who previously sang on two tracks from Justice’s ‘Audio, Video, Disco’. De Rosnay confirmed to Annie Mac that the album is called ‘Woman’ and will be out mid-November. He also confirmed the duo are hard at work on their new live show which will be unveiled in the 2017.

You can now listen to the full version below.

Update, 18:14: The track has been removed (damn that was fast) – so it probably was the real deal – we’ll put the full thing up when it appears online in a couple of hours.

[Original] Someone has managed to snag a short preview of what might well be Justice’s new single ‘Randy’ ahead of its official premiere this evening.

There’s no mention where the preview has come from – but it does sound like it’s the real deal. Be warned someone has tragically decided to add the tags “speedy EDM blog” over the top of it which just about ruins the whole thing.

The quality isn’t brilliant but it does sound fairly promising for just over a minute and a half; there’s big brassy hooks, off-key folksy melodies and plenty of thwacking drums lines – everything you could even want from a Justice track and more.

From our first impression it seems to be occupying the ground between the duo’s earlier, more raucous sound and their more recent dad rock phase.

We’ll know for sure if it’s the real deal this evening at 7:30pm when Annie Mac gives the track it’s proper world premiere.

Andrew Rafter

Andrew Rafter is the editor and founder of Harder Blogger Faster.