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In certain circles Fred Falke is a remix god. Around the time of bloghaus’ dominance both Falke and Alan Braxe were delivering scorching remixes left, right and centre, and while their output has waned somewhat in recent years, whenever either of them put their name to a remix you know it’s going to be straight fire.

Falke actually has two remixes out at the moment and they’re just about the best thing you’ll hear this month as the French demigod delivers two cuts of bombastic French flamboyancy.

The first is a twanging rework of Midnight Faces’ ‘Heavenly Body’ that’s two thirds throbbing French touch basslines and one third clever keys.

The second is a remix of Jake Bugg, which is equally va va voom; all be it with a little more presence, regardless – they’re both are well worth adding to your disco playlist, and if you haven’t got a disco playlist there’s no better time time to start one.

Andrew Rafter

Andrew Rafter is the editor and founder of Harder Blogger Faster.